Craving Erotic Romance...

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014


This is the cover from my latest release. It is a sweet romance; another of my futuistic romances. This one is set in Sydney and features a Thomas Winters who we met briefly in 'A Stellar Affair.'

KATE BENTLEY, is short-sighted but too vain to wear glasses. When she is tossed backward by the up-escalator at Sydney Airport she is rescued by THOMAS WINTERS. She falls for his kindness and melted-chocolate voice and doesn’t notice his lined face or the double-chins caused by his blood-hound genes.
For Thomas, single and lonely, meeting Kate is the chance of a lifetime. Shy and hesitant, Thomas courts her with gentle determination.  When he discovers she can see memory bubbles and collects them to return to her father’s failing mind he suspects she could be g-altered. He asks WILLIAM CORBAN to investigate.
Their romance falters when Thomas adopts SUZIE, a genetically-altered child, but when Kate finds COLIIN BENTLEY has wandered she asks Thomas for help. Colin is found with the help of Thomas’ g-altered friends and Kate realizes her future is tied to this gentle man, who has won her heart but has she left it too late?


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